Posted on 11/5/2020

Have you ever price shopped? Looked for the lowest price on an item or some service for your car or house? There are times when price shopping may be worthwhile. You know you want that 24-volt DeWalt drill and you shop around and find the big box store has a sale on it, but what about replacing the alternator on your car or reroofing your house? While price shopping makes you feel good that you may have found the lowest price, did you get the best, or at least a good quality repair for what you paid? Not all auto repair shops offer the same quality parts or service. You can almost always find some shop that can replace your alternator for less, but what are you getting for less? Quality parts, proper training to make sure the job was done correctly? Did you know that on some European vehicles you need to tell the computer&n ... read more
Posted on 9/24/2020

The importance of belonging to an automotive association. We belong to ASA NW, the Automotive Service Association, Northwest Chapter. Being part of an association is an important key to our success and business model. Our membership not only holds us to a higher standard than other repair facilities, it is a network of other shops who are like minded and who also have the same values as us. We value ASA and the important services it provides to us and our industry. The most important aspect of belonging to ASA NW, is the network of other like-minded people and shops. The comradery between ASA members is vital. As a group we are able to put years of experience to use, and improve each other and our industry. Every business has struggles, whether it is technical in ... read more